Elizabeth Omobawire
6 min readSep 30, 2021



Good day lovely Newbies. You’ve journeyed all the way from the comfort of your home, scaled through the risk of transport, written thorough exams and passed, went through the administration process and here you are!! Obviously, you didn’t do all of that to end up with zero success. Here are some few tips to make your stay worthwhile on campus.

Trust in God
Romans 9:16 says "So then, it is not by the desire or by the attempt of man, but by the mercy of God". It is very important to know that no man owns himself or herself, we are God’s creature and we do not only depend on him to live but we must also depend on him to survive through life situations. As you begin your journey on campus you need to put your faith in God for understanding, protection, guidance, provision and lots more. Most important of all give your heart to him. How hard it is? So Little. Believe in his son(Jesus) and receive his salvation. There you go! You now possess his Holyspirit which is able to guide you throughout and would also help you trust in him. Reference him in your heart and do his will it will safe you a lot from unforseen circumstance, and Let your motto be" For with God all things are possible".

✓Be Obedient to the School Authority
Some students ended up as drop outs and as spill-over students, not because they lack funds or wanted to pursue other dreams but because they were rebellious to the school authority. There’s this saying "a city without law is without sin". While going through your registration process, you signed Matriculation oath, dress code etc. Things you read there are not just for fun, you need to strictly adhere to it. You can not just allow little things to rubbish your efforts. Make up your mind to follow the school rules. Pay up every bills as at when due (be hopeful, God will provide), Follow all the examination rules(don’t bring phones in, don’t communicate while exam is going on, don’t bring implicating materials etc), Dress appropriate, be respectful to your lecturers etc. All these things might seem irrelevant but believe me, it has made a lot of students not to end well and I’m sure you would want your case not to be the same.

✓Choose your circus wisely
“bad company corrupts good character.”- Ist Corinthians 15:33
"Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble"- Proverb 13:20.
Those with ill-manners and bad lifestyles do not wake up one morning and become like that. The influence of companies they move with rubbed up on them little by little until they became worse. You’ve got to move with those with like minds. Those can inspire you positively, have passion for study and will encourage you to study. Read through the scripture above again! It says If you move with the wise you shall be wise, associate with fools and get into trouble, many students are in big dilemma today because they follow after the dictates of their friends. Do you know why your life can be influenced by your friends? That’s because they’re the ones you see most times, mingle with, discuss with and before you know it you’re doing what they do or ask you to do. Frank sonnenberg says in his quotes “Keeping bad company is like being in a germ-infested area. You never know what you’ll catch”.Pray to God to lead you to good people and I’m sure he will.

✓Add Value to Yourself
I’ll like you to know that life isn’t all about education, It’s beyond your course of study. While in school you need to start thinking long term. Questions like; what’s your purpose?what are you passionate about? What skill are you interested in learning?. How can you improve yourself? You Should start asking yourself and try to find answers to them. Aside going to class and receiving lectures, you need to add some values to yourself, you can still be going to school and at the same time learn a skill, it only depends on how well you can manage your time. Build your character, build your self-esteem. Begin to see how your course of study can be converted to money, don’t wait till you graduate.

Research/Learn and be skilled in your Course of Study.
Those who are professionals in what they do today do not just wake up and become what they are. It takes regular and intense practice, and a whole lot of sacrifice. If you want to be the best at what you learn, you can not rely only on what your lecturers are giving you. Good thing we now have the internet that can bring answers to all questions. Download helpful articles, related videos to what you’ve been taught, Study and teach yourself. Set questions out of what you’ve read and ask questions when you don’t understand. Prepare ahead of time, don’t wait for exam timetable before you start to read. Most students make this mistake, by doing that you’d be giving your brain a lot of pressure because you want to make sure everything sink in at a goal, more reason while many people break down prior and during exam period. You have to develop yourself to be studios.There’s this saying that Rome isn’t build a day and I’m sure that by your consistency you’d surely succeed.

Don’t be all work and no play. They’re other things that are interesting in campus aside lectures. They’re educating and intellectual groups you can join. We have all kinds of sports (Football, basketball, table tennis, handball etc) within the school. While I was school we have Green institute ( whereby we encourage people to maintain nature and keep the environment clean), we have the enactus, Town-based union (FOSU) and the likes. These help to boost your confidence and your relationship with people. You need people to meet people and Know people, I hope you grab!. Learn how to relate and communicate with others by this you’re also gathering knowledge and gaining experience. There would be certain time you would have to do presentations in your department, how can you face your lecturers when you can not relate with your colleagues? Well, I want you to know irrespective of your temperament, you can achieve anything, if you decide to learn and put your mind to it. Remember, no one is an highland of knowledge.

✓Feed Well
This might sound funny but it’s really important. Don’t be someone that just feed on junks. Fine, they’re times that you might be too tired to cook or don’t have the time but don’t make junks your best friend. Eating well enhance the Brain capacity because it needs a lot of glucose (energy) to function well. Don’t wait till you breakdown before you know you need to eat good food. Your lectures in a day might take long than expected so don’t skip meals most especially breakfast, what you should do is to plan ahead of time.

✓Have a goal
When you have a vision of what you want to accomplish you wouldn’t be living aimlessly. Forexample let’s say you have in mind that you are going for a first class, you’d start building up your capacity and your mind to fulfil that goal even in the long run if you don’t meet up with a first class you’d fall back to a strong 2.1. But, someone who doesn’t even have any mind of having good grades will just live anyhow, go to class whenever he/she will, read once in a blue moon. Don’t be of such, have something at heart you want to achieve and work in that direction.

✓Study Yourself
It’s good to know that we are not the same, even twins that are identical do not have the same fingerprint, we come from different tribes and background. What works for Mr A might not work for Me B. While I was in school, I love to read best at night cos it’s always silent and I can meditate well but on the other hand that might not work for you. You might love to study well in the day. You have to know yourself and what works for you better. Know when you need to pull out from people and be alone for some good thinking. Infact, you could have a to-do list or time table. Be organized, don’t just waste away your 24hours.
So, There you go, I believe by following this few tips you can make the best out of your days on campus. Remember, time continues and wait for nobody.



Elizabeth Omobawire

Content writer, Poet, Biochemistry B.sc, Lover of nature-i will supply you with contents that will inspire you, touching almost all phases of Life.